Re: A Comparison: Triads & TRIZ: Three Objects Comprise a Phenomenon

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Submitted by Frenklach Gregory at Maj 16, 1998 klockan 09:36:33:

Reply to: Re: A Comparison: Triads & TRIZ: Three Objects Comprise a Phenomenon submitted by James F. Kowalick at Maj 11, 1998 klockan 09:41:08:

In order to continue this discussion I want you to give some problem solving
examples with using triads. The example I would like to see in the next form.

1. Problem description - what is wrong with what in "ill" system ( undesirable
2. Description of the system with "triads' language";
3. Usage of the "triads' rules (transformations) in order to find solution in
abstract triads' form;
4. Transition to concrete solution of the problem;

Until now you showed how one can use triads in order to describe a system.
Show please how one could use it in order to solve inventive problems.
I am ready and want to discuss the weak points of S-Field analysis in
comparison of strong points of triads' approach for problem solving.

I would like to remind (no offense) that our topic is triads (creativity of certain
persons, knowledge of classics or how TRIZniks see other approaches).


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